$15,000 USD

Foal In Utero

Streak of fling and Metallic malice
COLOR, Disposition, Athleticism and Papers
Lifestage: Foal In Utero
Breed: Quarter Horse
Foal Due: 2025
Disciplines: Barrel Racing, Roping, Cow Horse
Location: Magrath , Alberta, Canada
Transport: Buyer’s Expense

Eligible Incentives

Barrel Racing: Pink Buckle, Ruby Buckle, Royal Crown, Breeders Challenge, Future Fortunes, Triple Crown, Tomorrows Legends, Colorado Classic, Legends of the South
Roping: Riata Buckle, Royal Crown Roping

Contact Information

Name: Twofox Acres
Email: twofoxacres@gmail.com
Information provided by customer. Information on this listing is not verified. Please contact seller for verification of all information.
Dam Pictured


º°”˜`”°ºFOAL IN UTEROº°”˜`”°º×

Sheza Hot Royalfling is an Own daughter of A STREAK OF FLING (11 Million dollar sire+) out of a AAAT SI 101 Pritzi Dash daughter who won over $25,000 on the track and is also a 3/4 sibling to Danyell Campbells NFR horse Pritzi Maker. She stands 15.3HH , 1300lbs and is built like a tank. She has had one foal by Shawne Bug Leo that has gone on to a great performance home and was red roan.

Metallic Malice is a 15 hh homozygous roan and 7-Panel N/N! He has excelled in all disciplines and is passing his mind and conformation on to his foals. Sire of breakaway, calf, head, heel and cow horse. He’s enrolled in many incentives for foals to go in to win!



Metallic Malice

Homozygous Roan stud and 7 panel NN

Producing multi discipline offspring

Sire’s Sire

Metallic Cat

Sire’s Dam

High Boon

Sire’s Sire’s Sire

High Brow Cat

Sire’s Sire’s Dam

Chers Shadow

Sire’s Dam’s Sire

Mecom Blue

Sire’s Dam’s Dam

Even Quixote


Sheza Hot Royalfling

Out of a $11M sire and AAAT SI101 Dam

Dam is 3/4 sis to pritzi maker NFR horse

Dam’s Sire

A Streak Of Fling

Dam’s Dam


Dam’s Sire’s Sire

Streakin Six

Dam’s Sire’s Dam

Moon Fling

Dam’s Dam’s Sire

Pritzi Dash

Dam’s Dam’s Dam

Lady Jitters